
She’ll tease you
She’ll unease you
Just to please you
She’s got Bette Davis eyes

We are back in our house. YEAH!!! We have been super busy unpacking and implementing all of the plans that we made sooooo many months ago.

I have to say, it is all coming together even better than I planned. As each room gets finished(-ish) I will give a full room tour. We are waiting on hanging artwork until absolute last. I’m not sure if I will be able to wait that long to share.

I want to give you a quick tease of a tour!










Friday night yum

I think you know by now how much I love yummy food. I’m partial to savory and I do love my meat.

Every now and then I will spy a good deal on lamb chops at the grocery store. Not a jargundo rack but enough for the two adults in the house. Such a deal presented itself last week when I was grocery shopping. Not only were there only 4 chops, but it came seasoned. Check and check.

Last night was the night and they could not have come out better. And so quick/easy. Also key for this house. First I split them into the four chops, seared both sides (3 min a side) in an oven proof pan. Then stuck the whole pan into the oven (400 for 20-30min).

Around that time hubby called to see what was for dinner. He was very excited to hear lamb chops and said, you know what would go great with that is polenta. I agreed but didn’t think I had corn meal and to not give away how easy it is to make polenta said something to the effect of “oh yah sure I’ll just whip up some polenta noooooo problem, scoff”

After we hung up the phone I saw we did indeed have corn meal and after a quick google search to remember the steps polenta was made. I had some help from my helper extraordinaire, big D.

Hubby was not only surprised but thought everything was delicious! Which it was.

All in 45 minutes. Absolutely delicious.

